Alakesh Ghosh

Alakesh Ghosh

“People look around with their two eyes. There is a third eye – what I call the ‘inner eye,’ which is very important. I think deeply, and observe through my inner eye and imagine,” says Alakesh Ghosh about his artistic process. One of the most acclaimed Bangladeshi artists, Alakesh Ghosh, works through a blend of “abstraction and reality.” T...

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Kanak Chanpa Chakma

Kanak Chanpa Chakma

Across the world, the differential treatment of people based on the colour of their skin is a fact we have witnessed for ages. In the context of recent events, this double-standard is truly tragic. The circumstances of George Floyd’s brutal murder are appalling to me. It compelled me to consider how halfway across the world in Bangladesh we...

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Afrozaa Jamil Konka

Afrozaa Jamil Konka

We embrace the colour black in almost all aspects, except when it comes to the colour of our skin. When a person’s skin is dark, the term “black” automatically takes on a negative connotation. Anti-black sentiments are almost embedded into our collective perspective. There’s an inclination toward perceiving “black” as less than. Women in...

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Bishwajit Goswami

Bishwajit Goswami

As an artist, from a humanistic perspective, the harmonious existence of humans of all colours, cultures, and creed feels absolutely normal for all societies. But, when faced with incidents like the murder of a black man instigated by institutionalized prejudice at this point in human history, it forces us to question, “Why does this happen?...

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Sourav Chowdhury

Sourav Chowdhury

The artist’s medium of protest is his art. When I first came across the incident of George Floyd’s brutal murder, it hit me hard. As I learned more about the global BLM movement, I realized how universal the issues of discrimination and prejudice are. That realization inspired me to do something about the situation and hopefully inspire...

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